Tag Archives: minpin

At Last…


I got an email saying I had made the short list for the interview stage for a digital internship.

This is the first interview I’ve been offered. My emotions keep fluctuating between joy and fear. Interviews are going to take place on Monday, going to spend the next few days prepping for it and hoping that maybe my luck is about to change.


I dropped my gold ring on the floor after stupidly twirling it round my fingers. It hit the ground and then began rolling across the floor. The puppy and I both watched it roll to a stop under the table and the we both leapt for it. She reached it before me but I was able to grab it from her. Unfortunately during the leap I smacked both my knees on to the floor. Hard. I now have a massive lump on one knee and my legs ache. Feel like I’ve aged a few decades.

I’ve learnt my lesson though, will never play with my jewellery in the presence of the puppy ever ever again.

By the way, this is the puppy below. Her name is Patsy and she is a minature pinscher. And I love her lots and lots.


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